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​​ 2024-07-01

​​ Cloudflare Snippets now available to all paid customers

Cloudflare Snippets (alpha) are now available to all paid customers.

​​ 2024-06-03

​​ Cloudflare Snippets now available to all Enterprise customers

Cloudflare Snippets (alpha) are now available to all Enterprise customers. Customers in other paid plans will gradually get access throughout 2024.

​​ 2024-05-14

​​ Page Rules migration

The Page Rules migration guide is now available for users interested in transitioning to modern Rules features instead of Page Rules. Explore the guide for detailed instructions on migrating your configurations.

​​ 2024-05-13

​​ New Configuration Rules setting for Web Analytics (RUM)

You can now turn off Cloudflare Web Analytics, also known as Real User Monitoring (RUM), for specific requests using a configuration rule.

​​ 2024-04-29

​​ New Configuration Rules setting for Cloudflare Fonts

You can now turn on or off Cloudflare Fonts for specific requests using a configuration rule.

​​ 2024-03-22

​​ New TLS fields in rule expressions

Customers can now use new fields cf.tls_client_hello_length (the length of the client hello message sent in a TLS handshake), cf.tls_client_random (the value of the 32-byte random value provided by the client in a TLS handshake), and cf.tls_client_extensions_sha1 (the SHA-1 fingerprint of TLS client extensions) in various products built on Ruleset Engine.

​​ 2024-03-20

​​ Origin Rules now allow port numbers in Host Header Override

Customers can now use arbitrary port numbers in Host Header Override in Origin Rules. Previously, only hostname was allowed as a value (for example, Now, you can set the value to hostname:port (for example, as well.