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Zaraz Pricing

Zaraz is available to all Cloudflare users, across all tiers. Each month, every Cloudflare account gets 1,000,000 free Zaraz Events. For additional usage, the Zaraz Paid plan costs $5 per month for each additional 1,000,000 Zaraz Events.

All Zaraz features and tools are always available on all accounts. Learn more about our pricing in the following pricing announcement

​​ The Zaraz Event unit

One Zaraz Event is an event you’re sending to Zaraz, whether that’s a page view, a zaraz.track event, or similar. You can easily see the total number of Zaraz Events you’re currently using under the Monitoring section in the Cloudflare Zaraz Dashboard.

​​ Enabling Zaraz Paid

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard, and select your account and domain.
  2. Go to Zaraz > Plans.
  3. Click the Enable Zaraz usage billing button and follow the instructions.

​​ Using Zaraz Free

If you don’t enable Zaraz Paid, you’ll receive email notifications when you reach 50%, 80%, and 90% of your free allocation. Zaraz will be disabled until the next billing cycle if you exceed 1,000,000 events without enabling Zaraz Paid.